segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2008

Gore Vidal - Caligula

CALIGULA is in bed, naked beneath a sheet. Beside him is his oldest sister DRUSILLA. The room is typical of a wealthy Roman bedroom of the first century A. D. In other words, it is rather small by this century's standards, with beautifully painted walls; there are no windows. A single door leads to an atrium/courtyard. Except for the bed, a chest, a pair of wrought-silver lamps, there is no furniture. CALIGULA's scream awakens DRUSILLA. She sits up.
DRUSILLA holds CALIGULA as if he were still a child. She soothes him.
DRUSILLA's just a dream...
CALIGULA (half-awake)
He'll kill me...
DRUSILLA (crooning)'re safe. You're with me.
Silence. CALIGULA is now wide awake; face covered with sweat. He is breathing hard. He stares a moment at the ceiling. Then he turns to DRUSILLA and smiles.
Gore Vidal - Caligula

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...

Gore Vidal é um dos maiores de sempre, na literatura americana e na sua interpretação da vida, mesmo que sujeita a controvérsia. O guião para o filme calígula parece ser também um projecto conseguido, ainda que muito próximo da ousadia libidinosa, como é próprio de calígulas.